Have you ever been observance a TV system of rules and you likable it so much that you considered necessary to interaction the introduce yourself and impart them for the lavish system of rules. Or, conceivably you have seen something that you find particularly coarse and you would similar to object to the network and bring up to date them to disinfected up their act. If we want to net changes in the programs that you see on TV then you entail to build your voice detected. If you don't try then you genuinely have no room to bellyache.

Here is a catalogue of whatever of the most popular networks and their addresses.

ABC - 77 W. 66th Street - New York, NY 10023 --- A & E - 235 E 45th Street - New York, NY 10017 --- AMC-Rainbow Prog Holdings, Inc. - 150 Crossways Park, - W-Woodbury, NY 11791 --- BET - 1232 31st Street, NW - Washington, DC 20007 --- CBS - 51 West 52nd Street - New York, NY 10019 --- CNBC - 2200 Fletcher Ave - Fort Lee, NJ 07024 --- CNN - One CNN Center - Box 105366 - Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 --- C-SPAN - 400 N. Capitol Str. N.W. Suite 650 - Washington, DC 20001 --- DIS - 3800 West Alameda Ave - Burbank, CA 91505 --- ESPN - ESPN Plaza - Bristol, CT 06010-9454 --- Fox - 205 E 67th Street - New York, NY 10021 --- MTV - MTV Networks, Inc 1515 Broadway - New York, NY 10036 --- NBC - 30 Rockefeller Plaza - New York, NY 10112 --- NICK - 1515 Broadway - New York, NY 10036 --- PBS - 1790 Broadway - New York, NY 10019 SC - 3 Crossways Park., W - Woodbury, NY 11797 ---TBS - 1050 Techwood Dr., NW - Atlanta, GA 30318 --- TDC - Discovery Networks - 7700 Wisconsin Ave - Bethesda, MD 20814-3522 --- USA - 1230 Ave of the Americas - New York, NY 10020 --- WBC - 888 7th Ave. -New York, NY 10106

Number of models:

If you privation to brand name a adjustment in what you timekeeper on TV you requirement to take home your ideas, and opinions detected. Remember informative the networks what they are doing right and what programs you wallow in is honourable as of import as relating them which programs you can't stand or insight
inappropriate for showing on introduce yourself TV. Let your judgment be heard.

Creative samples

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